Sexy Key West, Sunny Key West, Sporty Key West, Spectacular Key West Florida!

Key West really is a spectacular place to visit, and also a wonderful place to live! Here are some character traits and behaviors of most folks who live in Key West, Florida…

People Who Live In Key West…

Are extremely laid-back and easy-going.

Usually dress in a swimsuit, or a tee-shirt and shorts, often with sandals. Very sexy people are everywhere!


Do Not beep our car horns, EVER, because mothers with babies, dogs, chickens, tourists, bicyclists, moped riders, and maybe a Conch Train or Trolley is crossing, riding, jogging, blocking part of the lane, or trying to turn a tight corner.

Often enjoy live music at one or more of the many spots on the island where live music can be heard.

Love The Cuban Coffee Queen!


Enjoy many annual events which take place all throughout the year.

Enjoy nearly perfect weather almost every day of the year.

Have access to plenty of adventurous water activities.


Can find really fresh and wonderful seafood at many spots around the island.

Are very diversified and are also very accepting of others, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, ages, looks, behaviors, and so forth.


Key West, Florida, where our city motto is One Human Family!

We have much more information about Key West, so please scroll through these pages and see for yourself…

And here are some sexy, sunshiny and spectacular photos:





sex on the beach



Sloppy Joes

key lime donut
